Jesus, who was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. Philippians 2:6-9
Christmas in July
Merry Christmas! In July!? For years, Summit Christian College has sent out a Christmas letter, magnifying and celebrating the wonder of Jesus' birth. You might have noticed that we did not send our traditional “Christmas Wish List” last December.
We made the decision to wait until July to send out the Christmas Wish List, knowing this would give the faculty and staff a better opportunity to assess the college's needs for the coming school year. We also hope that July might be a less hectic time for you as well to consider how you could bless the ministry of the College. We will be able to have all the gifts in place and ready to go before our students arrive in the Fall.
All of us who serve at Summit Christian College want to thank you for the Love and support you have provided our students and the college's ministry every year. Your tremendous response to the college's annual Christmas Wish List has encouraged and inspired us.
Thank you for tracking with us as we seek to continue improving our service to the Church, advancing the Gospel message here in our region and worldwide as we educate leaders for Christian service.
May God richly bless you for your kind and generous support.
Christmas in July Wish List
Our primary vehicle was involved in a fender-bender and was totaled. If you would like to give a gift to add to the $6,000 from the insurance to replace that vehicle, we would greatly appreciate it.
IT Needs:
4 New Computers - $4000 or $1000 per computer.
Library Needs:
Using New Testament Greek in Ministry by David Alan Black - $12.99
The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism; by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland - $36.44
Greek for the Rest of Us: Using Greek Tools without Mastering Biblical Languages by William D. Mounce - $52.67
Bible Word Studies: A How-to Guide By John D. Barry, Rebecca Van Noord - $50.00
A History of Biblical Interpretation, vol. 2: The Medieval through the Reformation Periods By Alan J. Hauser, Duane F. Watson - $41.01
Reasons for Our Hope: An Introduction to Christian Apologetics by Dennis W. Jowers; H. Wayne House - $55.98
Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians: Pushing Back Against Cultural and Religious Critics by Mark T. Coppenger - $23.28
Tough Questions about God and His Actions in the Old Testament by Walter C. Kaiser J - $16.99
God and Evil: The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain by James K. Dew, Jr. and Chad V. Meister - $24.62
NLA Handbook 9th edition 2021 - $18.00
Ways to donate
Donate Online:
You can donate easily and securely using PayPal or any major credit card, bank, or debit card. NOTE: Summit Christian College is assessed a fee of 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction through PayPal. You may navigate to our GIVE page or click this link to be directed there.
Check Donations:
You can send checks to Summit Christian College with Capital Campaign as the memo, and either dropped off at our business office during regular business hours or mail it to:
Summit Christian College
2025 21st Street
Gering, NE 69341
If you have questions on how to donate you may call us at (308) 632-6933.