President's Welcome
To respond to the tender heart of the Lord of Lords with one's own willing and humble heart in obedient service to Him is indeed the highest calling on earth. Summit Christian College is dedicated to the service of all who are personally compelled to respond to Christ's high call and who now come to prepare themselves to serve.
While there are many high quality Christian colleges available, I believe you will find Summit Christian College to be an excellent choice. Its programs of study are expressly targeted to prepare students for Christian leadership vocations in missions, ministry and Christian education. Its faculty and staff are highly qualified and respected for their individual achievements in cross-cultural and domestic Christian service. SCC's idyllic setting at the base of the Scottsbluff Monument in Gering, Nebraska and its recently acquired, modern campus facilities provide a pleasant atmosphere for study. And yes, Summit's faculty to student ratio is ideally suited to provide each student with individual assistance and support.
If your heart's desire is to begin the journey in earnest to respond specifically to the "highest call on earth", then set your sights high, and come to Summit. We are here to help you prepare.
If you are interested in supporting a Christian college that is dedicated to Biblically faithful, high quality education for globally minded Christian leaders, then summit is an excellent choice.
David K. Parrish
David K. Parrish
Summit Christian College President
David Parrish, a 1979 graduate of Summit Christian College, became president of the college following 28 years of service with Pioneer Bible Translators. David established the first vernacular Literacy and Bible Translation project among the Mbore people of Papua New Guinea and served as a Bible translator and national translation team supervisor among them for 16 years before assuming the position of the Vice President and Director of Field Operations.